Why Do Dogs Matter?

“They motivate us to play, be affectionate, seek adventure and be loyal.” —Tom Hayden.

I believe I’ve been blessed with the possibility of growing up having dogs as a child. Not every child has that opportunity. Their names were Whitey and Duke. As I became older, I realized that dogs have a special power that humans do not; they are messengers of God. To this day, I still believe it. But you need to truly love dogs and deeply connect with them to understand what I mean. As a child, doctors usually told me and my mother that I could not be exposed to dogs because of my serious allergies that would cause me hives all over my body as well as severe asthma attacks. Deep down, I knew that although my body was reacting to being in contact with their fur, my dogs were healing me in other ways. They were healing my mind and my soul.

When some friend asks me, Jeannette why do you have a dog? I always reply that with them I never feel alone. Their presence gives me a sense of peace that I can only feel when in prayer or deep meditation.

Whenever I am having a bad day, my sweet and loving and caring fur ball Bentley would always find the way to make me smile or laugh. When I feel like taking a nap after eating a large meal, my dog would keep me in high gear looking at me as if saying “No way mom, get your behind up that chair and let’s go for a walk.” He runs to the leash, touches it with his nose, and hurries to the door while barking at me to come.” Plain and simple: he keeps me fit and healthy.

Bentley is also my daily alarm. Sometimes, when I am home listening to music or watching a movie with my headphones on, he will alert me if somebody is at the door. I have my house surrounded by cameras and an alarm system, but here is my little crazy boy telling me: “Hey, mom, there is someone at the door. Get up!”

Dogs are intelligent beings who love to follow a routine. I feel like they have a built-in clock that automatically reminds us when it is time to wake up or to go for a walk. You might forget, but they certainly will not. I know my little guy will let me know. He will either sit and stare at me with his beautiful brown marble eyes or he would bark at me. Trust me when I say dogs will find a way to tell you what they want, or they will warn you when something is about to happen. Sometimes I think that one day he will in fact speak to me and I will simply pass out. 😊

Dogs are loving to people. Dogs can do things that we–humans–struggle to achieve. Dogs can show love and loyalty to humans. No matter the time of the day, your dog will always show you love and affection even under the worst circumstances. No matter if you get angry with your dog for any reason, he will not hold a grudge against you, and he will always be happily at home waiting for you with plenty of joy and excitement.

I could keep going on and on telling all the incredible benefits a human being can experience by having a dog. However, the most important thing about having a dog is that dogs are a heart radiator. Dogs just have a strong intuition and they can teach us valuable lessons about life all the time. Just look at them carefully. Try it and I can assure you will not only understand me but also see what I see. They are like angels with the mission to guide us carrying the message of Truth and Love.