In the Presence of a Miracle

People who know me well know that for seven years, I volunteered at the Animal Assisted Therapy Program at a local hospital in my hometown.The program was  created to bring a therapy dog to people during difficult times to give them a piece of love, hope, and relief.

Only licensed, trained therapy dogs could visit the ill patients in the hospital. I volunteered with my beautiful dog named Beba. On October 3, 2015, Beba crossed that rainbow bridge, the other-wordly place leading to heaven that brings all pet owners comfort in their grief at losing their friend. My little angel was so special, she was selected out of a group of 200 applicants. Beba went through an extensive, two weekend training during which her temperament was tested in every single sense of the way to ensure that she would not harm a patient during a visit. Beba and eleven other dogs were selected to be trained, but only nine of them graduated and became part of the program that year. It was so exciting when I received the news that my little girl was part of this incredible program.

I had faith in her. I knew she would do a great job because she had all the qualities necessary to be a therapy dog. She was beautiful, sweet, and extremely smart. Most importantly, she could connect with people in an inexplicable way that was truly magical.

During our first month as volunteers, I experienced what I would classify as a miracle.  As I was entering the hospital one day, a woman came running up to me and asked, “Is your dog a therapy dog?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“Would you mind visiting my mom?” she asked.

“Sure,” I answered. “What’s the room number? If she is not on the list of patients that I have to visit today, you need to get permission from the doctor so I can see her.”

Tears filled her eyes. “I am going to need that because my mother hasn’t moved or spoken a word in the last three weeks,” she pleaded. “I truly believe it could help her.” .

When I got to the floor where the lady had been admitted, I went to see the nurse to confirm it was ok to visit with her. The nurse gave me the green light. I then headed to the room, greeted everyone, and placed Beba on top of the lady’s bed next to her. Beba immediately cuddled up next to the lady. The lady didn’t move or respond. So, I lifted Beba to take her out of the bed. That is when the lady, who had not moved for weeks, lifted her arm and asked me to leave Beba in the bed. As I was putting Beba back, the lady looked at her and smiled. The lady’s daughter started crying and said, “OMG, this is the first time my mom has moved any part of her body or said anything in the last three weeks.” That, to me, was a miracle in itself.

I stayed a little longer with the lady as she started moving and padding Beba. “She looks like my sweet doggie Cookie,” she said.

After padding Beba for a while, she fell asleep again, so I took Beba away as her family thanked me for bringing her. I continued to visit the patients on the list and as I was visiting the last patient on the floor, I noticed a crowd of people outside the lady’s room. There was also a priest. People were crying. So I walked over to see what was going on. They informed me that the lady passed away.

“What?” I replied in awe. The news hit me so hard that I also started to cry. I remember Beba not wanting to enter the room again; it was like she sensed her new friend’s soul was no longer there. I could not believe my dog was the cause of the last smile and feeling of love and peace this lady experienced on earth before she passed away. Thanks to Beba, the lady left in peace with the beautiful memory of her loving dog Cookie.

The lady’s daughter walked up to me. “Jeannette and Beba, thank you for bringing joy to my mother on her final day on earth,” she said to me. We both know that we had experienced a miracle.

The event showed me the impact a dog can have in our lives.Their energy can connect with others in a very special way because their mere presence and unconditional love can trigger a memory or bring joy to fill our hearts.

After this experience, I noticed a greater, deeper connection between Beba and I. We both had experienced an incredible, sad event together; I was not alone, and we could comfort each other.

Some people go their whole lives without experiencing the special, fulfilling connection we have with dogs.

If you are a person who is going through a difficult time, consider the good that a dog can do for you and think about adopting.  If you have a dog, observe them and notice the message they are trying to communicate. Try to connect with your furry ball. Don’t look at him just as a wagging tail. Dogs are present to us in a much deeper way, on a spiritual level as well to support us emotionally.

Treat your dog with love and respect, as a being able to guide and protect you in many ways. Dogs are put here to love and comfort us. We don’t only receive messages through human forms of communication like speaking and writing; we can receive messages by observing other living beings, like dogs.

I believe there is a reason why the word “Dog” spelled backwards in English is “God.”  God’s presence is sometimes represented in different and unexpected ways. You just need to pay attention.