Life is a Roller Coaster

How many times in your life have you grumbled about your problems and wondered “when is this going to end”? We all know life is full of unpleasant situations that sometimes discourage us and make us feel sad, which stress us out and, in some cases, even make us physically and mentally ill. If I could express what life is to me in a metaphor, I would say life is a roller coaster: sudden ups and downs, accelerations and decelerations, and winding and straight paths. We must traverse all that ride full of mysteries, uncertainty, fears and surprises to get to the other side, the end of the journey.

To me, everything in life is about learning. From birth up until we leave this world we are on a voyage, a course that often changes its shape and its content, that challenges us and leads us to places we never imagined. Those places can bring us happiness, but also sorrows and frustration and I think this has to do with the expectations and projects we get attached to without considering that perhaps the universe has other plans for us.

Of course, we are not in control of certain things that happen to us, therefore we should not blame ourselves; but what we do have is the possibility to change our attitude and read the signs and messages sent to us by that superior and universal force that encourages us to leave certain places we remain rooted to, which are harmful because they prevent us from growing up.

Simply put, you may be dealing with a problem for hours, days, months, and even years, but your perspective on it will change entirely depending on what attitude you choose to have about it: you can be elusive and get annoyed, take it to the extreme and be furious with the situation or with life itself; or you can just live what you are feeling, and accept what happens as part of a lesson and as an instance of personal growth. Do not get me wrong, the latter does not mean you must suppress your emotions, I am referring putting things into perspective to have a clearer and more conscious scenario of what is happening.

Let us try to see it this way, where would you be or what would you be like today if you had not gone through everything life put you through? Exactly, you would be extremely different, less experienced and more innocent, just like a child. There is a reason why we grow up and progress in life, why we learn and develop as human beings; it is because everything invites us to evolve, to be a better version of ourselves, it is just life’s law.

All the things you experienced in your life, from pain and frustration to joy and happiness, are what made you you; and they were trying to align you with your purpose in life-your mission in this world. If we were not constantly stressed about everything that happens to us, maybe we would be more alert and aligned, and we could hear what the universe has to tell us.

The thing is sometimes we are afraid of our potential and our ability to cope with difficult situations and we simply choose to give up, look to the other side, and surrender. Well, let me tell you something, if you are going through a delicate moment, there is a way out; just have faith in yourself and trust everything will get better, because it eventually will. I can assure you one day you will look back and understand that this situation only came into your life to show you something, a lesson you might not have imagined that will take you to a different place.

So, remember: everything that starts has an end, nothing remains fixed and immutable. All things surrounding us are constantly renovating and changing, and so are we, it is part of life’s movement, of that law that brings us closer to what we truly are meant to do. Trust and value yourself, and never give up, because, although you may not see it now, huge things are awaiting you.