Ten Reasons to Get Fired

You probably read this title and thought…what are they talking about? How can getting fired EVER be good?

Getting fired usually makes us angry and upset. We blame our dismissal on other people, co-workers and supervisors who never see their own faults. In other words, we get really emotional.

It’s natural to immediately think that the reason you got fired was because “they didn’t like you.” But your dismissal may not have anything at all to do with that. There may be politics involved that force the leadership to make decisions to meet the goals of their supervisors, and you might be the most logical choice to let go due to seniority or skill set. Or the company may just be changing in a way that does not require as many people at your level or with your particular talent.

Nobody likes to get hurt, but the fact of the matter is that when we’re under pressure or in an uncomfortable position, it is then that we uncover things about ourselves and may even open a path in life to something much bigger than ever expected.

Although I have never been fired, I, too, have been in situations where I made a decision to move on because  it was time for a change and better things were waiting for me.  I’ve found the best way to keep my sanity and happiness in these situations is to see moving on as an opportunity for growth, rather than a failure.

Being fired can be a turning point in life that can lead to spectacular opportunities!  It’s not unlike looking at the glass half full instead of half empty. There are always positive

things that can come out of a departure. Here are ten good reasons to get fired and harness that opportunity for growth!

  1. It gives you something to look forward to! Your next job may rock! You can find a position with more respect, money, leadership or whatever was missing in your past position.
  2. Now you can work somewhere else! Freedom from your old job opens up the opportunity to work elsewhere, like maybe that company you’ve admired from afar, or the more successful competitor company. Now’s your chance!
  3. Your personal relationships may improve! You may have more time with your spouse and kids or just be in a better mood because you’re no longer unhappy at work.
  4.  You suddenly have new, marketable skills! As you take stock of your skills and talents, you may realize that you have gained new skills that are more marketable this time around in your job search. These very skills could lead you somewhere new and exciting!
  5. You don’t have to stay in your industry anymore! Do you really want to stay in your industry? Studies show people change careers five times in their life.  Is it your turn?
  6. You can move! Do you really want to stay living where you are? Without a job to tether you to your locale, you could theoretically search for a new position in another town and have a true adventure.
  7. You can reconnect! Being let go allows you to reach out for help to your network and reconnect with people you have not spoken to in a while. Magic can happen!
  8. You will update your resume!  Let’s face it, we usually don’t do it unless we have to, but updating your resume is a positive experience that showcases our growth and experience. Through this exercise you will reinforce what you are great at and what still needs improvement.
  9. You can learn more! This is the perfect opportunity to take a class, learn a language, or research something in your field or one you want to work in.
  10. You can help others! Someday you will look back on the experience of leaving this job and be ready to speak with others who are in the same boat.

See, getting fired isn’t so bad after all, right?

Believe that any change that might look terrible at a given moment is happening at the right time. However,  challenging it will help you grow in wisdom and more clearly define your life purpose. I highly encourage you to get out of the comfort zone! It can be an amazing place of opportunities!

Jeannette is available for keynote addresses, breakout sessions, and panel discussions.