The Benefits of Knowing Spanish for Your Personal and Professional Growth

Globalization has brought interesting changes in the ways we communicate and connect with other people in the world. It has undoubtedly fostered rapprochement and integration between countries and has mixed societies with different worldviews and customs. In this context, the importance of languages as a tool of knowledge and progress has been on the rise. Today, there is no better quality than being able to express yourself in a language distinct from your mother tongue to explore new cultures and learn more about individuals.

For those of us who engage in activities that require interacting with different people from all parts of the world, having knowledge of multiple languages has always been a plus. As an example, in the field of business and corporate America Spanish is increasingly required, as it is the most spoken language out of the five main romance languages, which means it is a facilitator of communication when it comes to bonding with other professionals. In addition, today, the Hispanic population is the largest minority group inthe country. Let us look at some interesting facts…
Worldwide, there are more than 460 million people whose mother tongue is Spanish, and it is the official language of 21 countries. This makes it the second most widely spoken language in the world according to the number of native speakers, and the fourth most spoken language after Mandarin Chinese, English, and Hindi. Also, experts estimate that by 2050 there will be more than 530 million Spanish speakers, of which 100 million will reside in the United States.

Since there is an increasing number of Spanish-speaking populations, the demand for documents and information in Spanish has increased. In addition, the production of goods and services has had to adapt to the needs of this group. Hence, knowledge of Latin cultures has become increasingly necessary and urgent. These facts reflect the importance of this language in our society, especially for businesses and institutions, and gives us a clue about the potential benefits that its use can bring us. One thing is for sure, we cannot remain unfamiliar with the people who live and work daily with Americans.

In my experience, as a Puerto Rican woman who came to the United States to study and seek opportunities, I can say that being fluent in Spanish was one of the great tools that
benefited me from the beginning. This language not only gave me the possibility to relate to other people who were under the same circumstances as me, but also allowed me to expand my communication capabilities and get to know more professionals in the field of IT.

As far as the business world is concerned, Spanish has contributed to the creation of important associations and to the strengthening of the links between different entrepreneurs all over the world. Knowing the language allows us to expand our knowledge about the interests, vision, and objectives of our colleagues, as well as improve our proposals and performance when negotiating.
What about the benefits a student can get from speaking Spanish?

Let me put it this way, graduating from college is in and of itself an important achievement, but doing so with fluency in both English and Spanish is a dual triumph, as this can increase your social relationships and secure you scholarships and postgraduates; it can even lead to more job opportunities. Furthermore, your ability to grow within a company can increase if they show preference for people with this skill.

For students, learning different languages is an investment in their future, as this not only increases the chances of getting a good job, but enriches the social and cultural life of young people. Besides, it challenges them to prove themselves and dare to interact with different cultures and ways of thinking, leading them to experience new ideas and approach different perspectives that exist about the world. This will result in an incredibly significant personal growth.

Simply put, knowing Spanish becomes fundamental to your personal and professional future. Being a person who knows how to speak different languages improves your understanding of the world, as well as the acceptance of its diversity; while being a professional who has this skill improves your skills and cover letter when applying to a job. Plus, it can help you grow within a company once you are in it. So, what are you waiting for to exploit your capabilities?