The Perspective of Happiness from a Millennial

The sudden change of social distancing has caused me to rethink about my life. I am not exaggerating by telling you that all these introspections and internal mobilizations have certainly made me change my priorities from head to toe. This refreshed attitude towards life, made me wonder about one of the youngest generations, the millennials. How are they holding up in the world today? What are their resources to get through all of the ups and downs that the present brings?

As I always say, adversity in fact can bring great opportunities in our lives with a purpose, and we need to pay close attention. This time, the opportunity came with the possibility of interviewing a millennial; her name is Martina Balado and she is 25 years old. Although she is still young, her perspective is clear, and it brings us closer to a generation that has come to change everything.

J: What do you think about the present world?

M: Well, there is no doubt that the current pandemic has brought many changes in people’s lives all around the globe. For instance, it has increased levels of anxiety, sadness and impotence; but it is understandable people are feeling isolated and frightened. We are all a little overwhelmed by the situation. But that is not the only problem we are facing as a world population. We should not forget that there are plenty of other issues such as climate change, social inequality, racial and gender discrimination—to mention some—that we should be taking care of as well.

J: It certainly sounds like a lot. And how do you think people of your age have been handling all of those situations thus far?

M: I guess that levels of uncertainty have grown so high that people, in general, do whatever they can to be in control. Many have found their refuge by turning to activities like shopping and consuming. It is not a surprise though, we have been taught that material things can solve all of our problems, that they can guarantee our happiness; unfortunately, it is not that simple. As for people of my age, I believe that there is great awareness and compromise with everything happening out there, but there are also many vices that get in the way and hinder the possibility of changing for good—another issue to take care of.

J: I completely agree with that. Now I would like to know more about you, have you ever wondered where happiness lies?

M: Of course, many times. I think we are accustomed to pursuing happiness as if it was something alien to us, as if it was remote, but I believe it to be more an attitude towards life. After reflecting on it for a while, I found out that I can actually feel happiness just by paying attention to the simple moments of my daily life, no more no less. It was not always like this though; it took much internal work to assimilate what I am telling you now and to really feel joy and gratitude in my life.

J: Was there a specific moment or experience in your life that made you change your perspective?

M: Yes, when I was younger, I was extremely insecure and shy, I was struggling like every teenager, so I just went out to the club with my friends every weekend and I drank alcohol. It was a terrible habit and it made me feel really bad; I felt very lost during that time of my life. Then, college came, and I had the fortune to meet some amazing people that made me realize how valuable I was and how much respect I deserved. So, I started to change some habits and I became aware of the importance of taking care of my body, my soul, and my environment. That was when I started to pay attention to all the blessings in my life. After that, everything changed automatically.

J: That is very moving. Would you tell us a bit more about those simple moments of your daily life that you value so much?

M: Sure, I was referring to small acts such as speaking on the phone with my closest friends and family to catch up, even if it is just to tell them how my day was, because it really changes my mood. I like to feel them near me, even though now we are physically apart and far away from each other. The ties that I have built with my loved ones along my life have always been essential to me because they have helped me get through many difficult situations; knowing I can count on them, the same way as they can count on me, makes my heart bounce with joy.

J: Previously, you mentioned the importance of taking care of your body as a way of finding your balance, how do you do that?

M: First, whenever I have the time, I go jogging to the park. Keeping my body in movement and connected to Mother Nature really roots me; the feeling of the fresh air caressing my face and the rays of sun kissing my skin make me feel much more alive and grateful. Secondly, I try to eat healthy and be conscious about the food I put into my body, as I believe it will influence my mood later.

J: That sounds really good. Is there something else you would like to add?

M: Yes, I would like to share with you the best habit of all, gratitude; it occupies such a great space in my life that every single day I take a few minutes exclusively to thank God for all the blessings he has placed in my path, it is also a way to give myself away some peace of mind. Meditating and praying really help me focus on my daily routine and become a more down to earth person.

J: Thank you very much!

If I asked you which are those parts of your daily life that you really worship, that you feel truly thankful for and happy about, what would you answer? I challenge you to do this exercise. I am willing to hear your findings, do not hesitate to share them with me!