The Serenity Prayer – Part 2

In the first part of this blog series called “The Serenity Prayer”, I shared with you how this prayer came into my life at a difficult moment and immediately became special to me. As I always say, things do not happen by chance; everything  we experience in life happens for a reason and holds an important message within. That is why it is my intention to keep sharing each part of the prayer with you, so you can use it as a spiritual guide.

From the moment this prayer came into my life, I pray it daily as if it were a mantra. Their words give me peace and understanding, and help me change my perspective specially when a particular situation is causing me pain or discomfort. In my experience, holding on to things that give us peace and serenity is key to stay balanced and grounded, so here I bring you the second part of this prayer to help you find clarity whenever you need it.

Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time;

accepting hardships as the pathway to peace.

Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time…

This sentence is short but so meaningful at the same time. If you reflect on it, the present time is the only thing we have, the only thing that actually exists. All that is left, can only exist in our minds. For example, the past can only be lived as a memory, whereas the future can only be experienced as a fantasy or as a product of our imagination.

Sometimes we get so lost in our routines and their demand of speed and immediacy, that we forget the importance of being present here and now. Small things, such as observing what surround us, feeling our breath, enjoying a hot cup of coffee or a delicious meal, sharing moments with our loved ones, and really engaging in a conversation with someone else, are the experiences that change the way we live and walk through this world.

Tell me, what is the point of thinking all the time about the past if there is no way to change it; or why being worried about what is to come if the only way to assure your future is to live in the present?

Again, it is all about perspective. For example, how will you choose to live this wonderful day that has been given to you? Will you make the most of it or will you be ranting and complaining about your problems? Will you be grateful for the miracle of being alive?

Please do not get me wrong, it is not my intention to convey that problems do not exist or do not matter, we all have to deal with delicate issues on a daily basis. The thing is, personally or professionally speaking, there is always something to worry about. And that is precisely why this passage means so much to me, because the moment I get tense or my mood changes due to some unfortunate situation, I try to remember that the present moment is all I have. Even if it takes a while to recover from that, I must live my days with gratitude because there is no guarantee I will be here tomorrow.

And that leads me to the next sentence:

Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace…

I think we can all agree that facing problems is not an easy task, but thanks to this prayer I always find the strength to understand that we are here only for a while, and that if I have experienced unfortunate situations today, they will improve eventually. And if they do not, at least I have the chance to trust God’s light will give me perspective and show me a solution or a way to get through that situation with love and patience.

When people are going through complex situations, they tend to believe that no one can help them and that they are alone. But it is amazing how God always manages to appear and express their love through someone. It may be a friend, a family member, even a pet or a simple sign of the universe.

It is so important to know that we are never alone, even when we find ourselves in the most distressing and loneliest situation of our lives, we can find comfort in God’s grace. Regardless of the religion we practice, we can be sure that if we ask for peace, we will eventually find it. The key is being receptive, and, as I said before, accepting and embracing the fact that although a situation may be unfortunate today, it will change and turn into something better.

To sum up, it is my greatest wish that you cherish every day as if it were your last. That you appreciate the love and protection of those who surround you, that today you take a little time to do that activity or hobby that makes you feel full of joy and happiness. That if you had a bad day today, you could go to bed thanking the universe for the lesson and think of tomorrow as a new beginning full of opportunities. God is great and is by our side in every step we take, do not forget it!