The Value of Contemplating Your Life and Being Grateful

Everyone who has met me, knows I live with great intensity. Being a woman with great determination, I have always put my energies into achieving my goals. Throughout my life, I have had many ambitions, which have made me challenge myself constantly. As a result, I have lived a very fast-paced and strict lifestyle, but it has also brought me much satisfaction on a professional level. Also, it has taught me that when we do not have balance in our lives, things can become a little complicated.

Lately, my days have been incredibly stressful and demanding because I am going through many changes, both personally and professionally. In addition, humanity is living an unprecedented situation that has truly made us question and modify virtually everything. In the middle of this chaos, it was necessary for God to send me some sign so that I could open my eyes and stop for a minute. And that was what happened last week.

It had been a long time since I last saw my dentist due to the pandemic. When I got there I found out that he, who has been my doctor since I was 26, and whom I value and respect so much, is retiring; it was literally like a slap in my face. My doctor has taken care of me during so many years that the announcement immobilized me, to the point where I started crying immediately after I left his office. The news about his retirement made me realize that the people I thought I would keep seeing for many years to come, have taken different paths, moved, retired, or passed on to a better life.

That situation made me stop and reflect on my life, our time here and the people who surround us. If there is one thing I am sure of after this crazy year, it is that I am determined to enjoy every day of my life as if it were my last. The years go by faster than we think, days fly, people age, and both our loved ones and ourselves will leave this world at some point.

Therefore, I invite you to reflect on these words and take a few minutes of your day to think about how much attention you have dedicated during this time to contemplating your surroundings and giving thanks for all the things that bring joy to your life.

Some questions for you to reflect on:

  1. How many times have you been worried and stressed about issues that have a solution?

It is quite common for us to feel overwhelmed with the problems that arise in our daily lives and to doubt our ability to solve them effectively. The truth is most of the time our problems have a solution- you just have to be flexible and creative enough to listen to yourself and those who want to help you.

  1. How many times have you stopped yourself from seeing your friends and family for wanting to finish a job first?

Today we have deadlines for everything, but how many times have faltered in organizing our schedules properly? On the contrary, on how many occasions has anxiety taken over us and stopped us from making plans, so as to “save time” or “not waste time.” We must recognize our achievements, take a break and congratulate ourselves, rather than being permanently thinking about doing things.

  1. How many times have you felt desperate to find your purpose?

Sometimes we feel pressured because we are supposed to know what our mission or purpose in the world is, and we ignore perhaps waking up every day and helping someone on the street, giving kind advice to a person who needs it, dedicating our time to listening to a friend, or going to work and accomplishing our duties, is already part of that purpose. We believe that having a purpose is related to discovering some supernatural talent, but the truth is that most of the time we already find ourselves walking that path.

  1. How many times have you felt bad and hurt for worthless people and situations that bring nothing good to your life?

Throughout our lives we all come across people who end up hurting and disappointing us, but it is our choice to remain anchored to the past or decide to forgive them and let them go. It is your life; you must honor it and try to be happy no matter the cost. On multiple occasions, that will mean understanding that we are all doing what we can and that we are all prone to make mistakes, because no one is perfect. So, I encourage you to forgive those who have hurt you.

In a nutshell, paradise, that seemingly unattainable place, is right here, among us, with all the people we love and mean something to us. The difference between  enjoying it or not lies in the opportunity you give yourself to contemplate the beauty and blessings of your life, the value you give to the things and the people around you, how you treat yourself, and what perspective you choose to adopt when you face the myriad adversities of life.